Playgroup Opportunities

Opportunity #1:

Attention parents/caregivers of infants & toddlers: Come play with your young children as you observe and support their amazing development!

We are now registering families for a UMF Monday evening playgroup starting mid-September. This playgroup is for children under three years of age and is based on a model called PIWI (Parents Interacting with Infants).

The playgroup’s focus is parents’ observations of and interactions with their young children. The weekly sessions are facilitated by Dolores Appl, a UMF professor and her students, who are preparing to be teachers of young children. Each week the students plan meaningful learning activities based on the interests of the parents and children attending. The groups are free and enrollment is open to all families of infants and toddlers. However, registration is required.

If you would like to register or want more information, please contact Dolores at 778-7507 or


Opportunity #2:

The Department of Early Childhood Education offers 3 morning playgroups for families with young children. Playgroups run on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9-11am at our site at 112 Maguire Street. Caregivers/families sign-up to attend one of the three sessions each week (either T, W, or TH). Groups are mixed age, with children ranging in age from birth to 3 years old. A variety of different types of caregivers attend the program with children including dads, moms, grandparents,and child care providers.

Professor Patty Williams’ ECH 250 students help to facilitate the groups. They offer a variety of play-based developmental learning opportunities for children and their caregivers to explore. It is also a great way for parents in the community to meet, socialize, and connect. We also offer a circle time and snack. There is a $10 once yearly registration fee for the program, with scholarships available for those who may find the fee a barrier to attending the program.

If you or someone you know might benefit from this program, please contact Patty at She is registering families for the program right now. In particular, they have several openings in the Thursday playgroup that they are looking to fill.

Rehabilitation Services Students Shine at NCRE

Last week, Rehabilitation Services Students at NCRE (April 2016)ten UMF Rehabilitation Services juniors attended the 16th Annual National Council of Rehabilitation Educator‘s conference with Dr. Jewel Jones in Newport Beach, California form April 20-22nd.  Not only did Continue reading